Providing Expert Services
to Sport and Society

Introducing Sarah Lewis Global Sports Leader

I am privileged to have a 25+ year career working in leadership positions in international sport, and I'm implementing my skills across a wide range of complementary and activities to serve sport, business and society at large.
The focus is on providing global advisory and leadership services, project management, communication strategy, governance policies with services including advisory roles and mentoring for individuals, groups and/or together with in-house executive teams and non-executive boards. Through my network, there is also the opportunity to extend the range of specialist expertise, working together with other respected international specialist consultants across the industry. Since 2020 I was appointed a lead mentor for the first Sports Innovation Winter Sports Global Virtual Accelerator, and from 2021 I assisted the leadership of the Chinese Winter Sports Association with their Beijing 2022 legacy implementation objectives, and Games performance preparation.
Roles, projects and services have included as a Strategic Advisor for Trivandi; mentoring as part of the Adidas Breaking Barriers programme, and Switch the Play Women in Sport, provision of Executive Education for organisations and companies, moderating, presentations, panel participation and lectures across a broad spectrum of conferences, seminars and academic institutions, Alongside these I've been elected as Vice-President of the Sustainable Mountain Alliance, appointed to the Loughborough University London Institute for Sport Business Advisory Board and invited to act as Non-Executive Director for SMRF a sports media rights fund. I'm investing in and actively supporting award-winning start-up company, OnePlan. Pro bono mentoring and support of women’s candidacies for leadership positions is also important to me.

Sarah Lewis Global Sports Leader
UK Phone: +44 7930 136824
Int. WhatsApp: +41 79 310 2244
WeChat/Skype: sarahjlewis

Making Society Better Through Sport
The values of Sport are fundamental for society in general: excellence, respect and friendship.
Sport is an education for life that develops courage, determination, discipline, goal-setting, managing emotions, personal responsibility, resilience, teamwork and tolerance.
In striving to make an equitable, sustainable and better society, such qualities enable us to be better equipped to face up to challenges, and capitalise on opportunities.
My Mission is to provide professional consultancy services of the highest quality that conform to the best governance practices in striving to achieve the defined objectives.